The Buying Process

March 1, 2023

The Buying Process

About The Buying Process

While the process may seem like a lot of steps, having a knowledgeable buyer’s agent helping you navigate can definitely lesson the stress.

Homebuying Process Chart

Your exclusive buyer’s agent is going to be with you through every step of the way and represents your best interests. That is why our company makes this promise to every client.

Promise Of Performance

  • We will be 100% loyal to you 100% of the time.
  • We will never switch agency relationships with you.
  • We will protect and promote your best interests.
  • We will be on your side and negotiate the best possible terms we can for you.
  • We will obey your lawful instructions.
  • We will keep confidential any personal or financial information which could adversely affect your bargaining position.
  • We will assist throughout the entire transaction, representing when shopping for the right mortgage loan, insurance, and any other ancillary service you may require.
  • We will always be your advocate.

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