Charleston Home
Whether you’re buying, selling, or investing in residential real estate, Charleston Home is your trusted partner since 1995

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Our site allows you to search the Charleston area MLS - CTARMLS by area, price range and loads of other factors and criteria.
You can create an account, save your searches - even have our system keep you updated on new listings or price changes for your "saved searches".
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Some instructions for a quick property search....
Dedication to Results Matters
Whether you’re buying or selling, our dedicated agents will work tirelessly to deliver the results you’re looking for.

The Charleston Home Team

Thinking about Selling...
With decades of experience representing buyers, we understand what home-buyers are looking for, what’s most important to them, and what makes a home truly attractive. At Charleston Home, we leverage these critical insights to ensure your home stands out in the market and attracts the right buyers.
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Customer Testimonials
Authentic experiences and insights from our valued clients...
Mount Pleasant resident
Mike Daniels
Jennifer Grimm
Christopher White
Eric Palecek
Real Estate Resources
The Charleston and Mt. Pleasant Areas
If you don't know the area and don't know where to start, we can be your guide.
Get Educated about our Market
Financial and contractual stuff, inspections, appraisals, contracts, all the scary soundy stuff we're here to help you with.